5 Sensory Benefits of Playdough for Children

5 Sensory Benefits of Playdough for Children

It might be surprising, but did you know that there is more for children to gain from this game than just passing the time? Playdough is sensory play for children to learn. It has a wide range of developmental, sensory and educational benefits for children.

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Discovery Play: Benefits of Discovery Learning for Children

Discovery Play: Benefits of Discovery Learning for Children

In essence, discovery learning is about allowing children to explore and learn through their environment instead of direct tuition. This approach has been well researched and has even been proposed as the best learning method for areas such as science and mathematics.

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Understanding emotional regulation and how you can support your child

Understanding emotional regulation and how you can support your child

Emotional regulation is the process by which people manage their emotional experiences and their responses to all types of feelings, including very powerful emotions such as anxiety, anger, sadness and frustration.The way we respond to our emotions, both mentally and behaviourally, has a major impact on our psychological wellbeing and our social experiences.

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How Children Learn Through Heuristic Play

How Children Learn Through Heuristic Play

Allowing children to create play with everyday items forms the basis of heuristic play. By playing with these items, children can access a new way to learn about the world around them. First introduced by Elinor Goldschmied to pre-school education, heuristic play is a child led activity with items that offer both intrigue and challenge but are also safe for children.

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Sensory Garden Path

How to Create a Sensory Garden Path at Home

A sensory garden path is carefully designed to engage the senses. There are many elements to this, from sections with crunchy gravel, areas with tactile stimulus, as well as ones with materials like bark and plants to offer scent. They can be as passive or as interactive as your child needs.

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